homemade YOGHURT
Homemade (from wikipedia)
easily produced in the home kitchen without any special equipment (except a thermometer).
* heat milk to 85 °C (185 °F)
* cooling it to 43 °C (110 °F)
* stir a starter of live yoghurt cultures (usually lactobacillus bulgaricus and/or streptococcus thermophilus) or a small amount of plain yoghurt (from previous batch or store-bought)
* ferment at 43 °C (110 °F) for seven hours, and then chill overnight in a refrigerator.
The heating of the milk can be accomplished via direct heat using any number of kitchen appliances, but a double boiler or water jacket provides the most consistent heat without burning.
Using a cold water bath will quickly lower the milk temperature to 43 °C (110 °F).
Once the mixture is cooled to 43 °C (110 °F), the starter is added and the mixture is kept as close to 43 °C (110 °F) as possible for seven hours.
During this period, the active cultures consume the lactose in the milk, curdling it, and creating lactic acid. Lactic acid is what gives yoghurt its distinctive tangy flavour.
The longer the mixture sits, the thicker and more tangy it will become. To maintain the milk with bacteria at this warm temperature, a cooking thermometer and an oven are often used. Alternatives include the use of a thermos, special yoghurt-making machines (to make larger quantities of yoghurt), microwaves, and even heating pads.
Additionally, some nonfat-dry milk may be added to thicken the end product and if one wishes to increase the nutritional content of the yoghurt (this is added before the yeast culture or active yoghurt is added to the milk).
Good results can be obtained by boiling water, cooling it and adding non-fat dry milk powder to the desired consistency, especially for making lassi which needs the consistency of buttermilk.
However, the organic natural yoghurt contains only milk and live active cultures.
Make yoghurt at home (from copperwiki)
- milk
- a teaspoon or two of the existing yogurt with live cultures
- To make Dahi or Yoghurt, bring however much milk you want to a boil, being careful not to burn or boil over.
- The milk must at least reach 185° F for two minutes. The desirable temperature is 200° F. If the milk is not hot enough then the yoghurt will not be firm but will be stringy.
- Turn off the heat. Let it cool to tepid warm, cooling to 122° F but not below 105° F.
- Add starting culture. Incubate in a warm place for 5 hours or depending on room temperature.
- Store it in the refrigerator.
- Best utensils to make yoghurt in are earthenware ones. This method also concentrates the yoghurt as the liquid whey evaporates through the pores and and helps increase solid content and lactic acid concentration. It also keeps the yoghurt cool without the need for refrigeration.